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Pat Riot Whitaker

If there is one band that I and my fellow ANIMATED INSANITY RECORDS asylum inmates Joe Paciolla and David Lamay collectively dig, it is none other than Galactic Cowboys. Seriously, believe it or not, of all the bands, past or present, that we three might construct bonds over, it is The Lone Star State's own Sons Of Thunder (their assumed identity in the 1994 "Airheads" film in which they appear), Galactic Cowboys. And while we could easily tailor this #OS to a piece dedicated to spotlighting that band, we won't be doing so today. Instead, we gather to pay tribute to the Houston, Texas-based, heavy blues and progressive rock-tinged trio, THE AWFUL TRUTH. Truthfully, one could say this band was a precursor to Galactic Cowboys before there was a Galactic Cowboys. THE AWFUL TRUTH formed in 1988 and contained future cosmic cowpunchers Monty Colvin (bassist/vocalist) and Alan Doss (drummer/vocalist). Completing the band's roster was guitarist and vocalist David Von Ohlerking who, despite Colvin and Doss' own formidable songwriting skills, is attributed with the lion's share of such for THE AWFUL TRUTH. If you really want to technically break it all down to brass tacks, there is more than ample similarities shared between both of these bands. For one thing, there is a most definite "Houston sound", one strongly cultivated later on by Galactic Cowboys, along with King's X and Atomic Opera. Much like G.C., THE AWFUL TRUTH were quite multifaceted and meshed styles like no one's business, drawing water from wells such as contemporary rock, funk, alt. metal, and progressive rock. At times melodic and airy, with a slight seasoning of psychedelia, while other displays were hard hitting and metallic. In 1989, THE AWFUL TRUTH recorded and independently issued a 3-song Demo on cassette. It quickly gained traction in the band's home region as they had begun to play live around metropolitan Houston and the surrounding areas. Two songs from the Demo, along with another six originals, would eventually comprise the contents of an eponymous debut album recorded at Houston's Rampart Studio with producer - and band manager - Sam Taylor (King's X, Galactic Cowboys, Archer Nation). In an unusual twist of events, Metal Blade Records signed THE AWFUL TRUTH shortly thereafter, though there was no longer an actual band.

This self-titled album was a collection of demo tracks, mastered by the label and compiled as a debut recording. It would be released through Metal Blade/Enigma in 1990 yet THE AWFUL TRUTH had disbanded prior to its release. Readdressing the aforementioned similarities between THE AWFUL TRUTH and Galactic Cowboys, the former band's music was adventurous and diverse. Possessing refreshing lyrical themes centering on Christianity, spirituality, personal struggles, and life in general, the album was a direct contrast to much of the somber and morose grunge music beginning to formulate at that time. THE AWFUL TRUTH members Monty Colvin and Alan Doss eventually threw in with vocalist Ben Huggins and guitarist Dane Sonnier to form Galactic Cowboys in 1989. Ironically, Galactic Cowboys member Dane Sonnier, and ex-guitarist Wally Farkas, along with Lenwood Sonnier and Eddie Travis, are in a contemporary incarnation of THE AWFUL TRUTH with David Von Ohlerking - Pat "Riot" Whitaker



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